Vitreolysis Physician Forum Amsterdam [07.10.2013]

Il Dr. Carlo Orione è stato invitato come unico esperto italiano nell’utilizzo del YAG laser Ultra Q Reflex per il trattamento dei corpi mobili vitreali al Vitreolysis Physician Forum che si tiene Lunedì 7 ottobre 2013 in occasione del ESCRS ad Amsterdam.

 Dr. Dr. Orione, we would be very pleased to invite you to join the discussion.vitreolysis

The main points for discussion during the forum will be:

1. Patient selection
a. Age considerations
b. Type of patient
c. Type of floaters to treat
d. Type of floaters to avoid

2. How to manage patient expectations
a. How to evaluate severity
b. When to say “no”

3. How to document/measure improvement
a. Tests
b. Use of ultrasound
c. Patient appreciation chart

4. Protocol
a. N° shots – single or burst
b. Energy to use and how it varies
c. Lenses to use
d. Which floaters to treat first

5. Characteristics of the laser
a. Precision
b. Coaxial illumination
c. Power
d. ergonomics

6. Varying success rates reported in the literature – reasons?

7. Why the current regain in interest in floater treatment (multi-focal IOLs)?

8. Training new users – how can they learn?
a. Simulation of vitreous strands
b. Training videos
c. observation

9. Tips for new users – what pearls of wisdom would you share with them

10. Practice marketing tools – what would help